
Fanny: Four Fab Femmes Who Rocked!

When the name of your band conjures up images of either (1) the human arse, (2) a vaudeville star named Brice, (3) a protagonist from an 18th century erotic novel by John Cleland, or (4) a character from a recurring ‘Playboy’ comic strip, you might have a bit of a problem being taken seriously. I’m referring to a mostly forgotten early ’70s band named Fanny. The thing is, they were taken seriously — at least for a while. They signed a major record deal, scored two top 40 hits, appeared on TV variety shows, and toured the U.S. with the big arena acts of the day — before fading into footnotes. David Bowie once said, “Revivify Fanny. And I will feel that my work is done.” So, Mr. Bowie, here’s my contribution.

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10 Hip Quotient Resolutions Aimed at Enriching Your Reading Pleasure

It’s that time of year when we feel compelled to set ourselves up for failure by making unrealistic resolutions we’ll never keep. Once again we will resolve to quit doing all the naughty things we enjoy, heed the advice of gurus named Chopra, Weil, Tolle, and Oz, and embark on new lifestyles defined by words like organic, tantric, mantra, quinoa, and kale.I stopped making self-improvement resolutions a long time ago. Today, as always, I embrace my inner sloth, heed the words of gurus named Lennon, Dylan, Berry and Waits, and enjoy a lifestyle defined by words like riff, gig, mojo, backbeat, rave, juke, and a-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-wop-bam-boom. I prefer “old vinyl” to “new age,” amplification to meditation, and Prince to Pilates. But as yer humble blogger, I have a responsibility to guide you, my loyal followers, toward a more enriching reading experience. Therefore, I have made these 10 resolutions.

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Marianne Faithfull’s Tears Gone By

“I slept with three of them and then decided the lead singer was the best bet.” That was burgeoning pop singer Marianne Faithfull in 1964, telling “New Musical Express” magazine that the quickest route to success would be to snag a Rolling Stone — most strategically, Mick Jagger. What a cocky thing to say, I thought when I first heard this quote as a kid. I’d always wanted to use the British term strumpet, and now was my chance. Why all the fuss about Marianne Faithfull, anyway? Sure, she was blonde, sexy and had a hit song. Big deal. So, it was with much skepticism that I decided to read her 1994 memoir “Faithfull.” And by the time I finished it, I found her to be one of the most intelligent and independent women in rock — a talented singer, songwriter, muse, actress, diarist, and survivor. Today is her 68th birthday.

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Mixing Melancholy with Merriment: A Realist’s Guide to Christmas Music

Okay, I know it’s Christmas season and we’re supposed to be happy and peaceful and idealistic, listening to carols both solemn and silly, and trying to be all Norman Rockwelly and stuff. Heck, the last thing I’d want to do is bum you out as you deck the malls, looking for the prettiest Victoria’s Secret training bra for little Madison, or the perfect starter rifle for Little Ethan. But, as your faithful blogger, I feel I have a duty to expose you to an alternate version of Christmas culture via a smathering of holiday tunes that are a wee bit more realistic for many at this time of the year.

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