Mixing Melancholy with Merriment: A Realist’s Guide to Christmas Music

Okay, I know it's Christmas season and we're supposed to be happy and peaceful and idealistic, listening to carols both solemn and silly, and trying to be all Norman Rockwelly and stuff. Heck, the last thing I'd want to do is bum you out as you deck the malls, looking for the prettiest Victoria's Secret training bra for little Madison, or the perfect starter rifle for Little Ethan. But, as your faithful blogger, I feel I have a duty to expose you to an alternate version of Christmas culture via a smathering of holiday tunes that are a wee bit more realistic for many at this time of the year.

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Rockin’ Through the Irish Rye

When you think about Irish rockers, who comes to mind? Prickly, ginger-haired Van Morrison, in a near-transcendental state, wailing G.L.O.R.I.A? Bono in his wrap-around spaceman shades, righteously pouring out arena anthems with his U2 mates? Sinead O’Connor ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul II on “Saturday Night Live”? Well, there’s more to Ireland’s rock scene than that, boyo. On this St. Paddy’s Day, allow me to share a few of my favorite songs by several Irish artists who are lesser-known to American audiences.

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