Eat Barilla Pasta…Be More Macho

Guido Barilla, president of the world's largest manufacturer of boxed pasta, has vowed his company would never feature homosexuals in its ads. Well, when I heard this news, my thoughts immediately turned to Woody Allen's kooky 1973 film "Sleeper," which offered some insights into the virility-enhancing effects of pasta.

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Is it Doomsday Already?

Heavens to Murgatroyd! According to the ancient Mayans, the world will end on Friday, and I have SO much left to do! I've had "doomsday" pencilled in on both my pocket calendar and the kitchen wall calendar for months. And, because I'm such a high tech kind of gal, I also listed it on my Google calendar (too bad I forgot to hit that "email reminder" button). Oh, I'm such a silly goose! I rarely bother to even LOOK at any of those calendars until it's too late! One day left on earth doesn't give me much time to do all those things I've been wanting to do for eons. Why do I ALWAYS procrastinate?

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Confessions of a Font Addict

Die Nasty. Dream Orphans. Beat My Guest. Highway to Heck. No, these aren’t names of punk rock groups or titles of angst-ridden, teen-penned poems. They’re names of fonts. Four evocatively named fonts that co-exist among the hundreds of others in my Mac. Fonts that compete on a daily basis to be chosen for use in one of my literary or graphic masterpieces (ahem). I’ve rarely met a font I didn’t fall in love with. I’ve cruised the Internet super highways by night, luring new fonts to my harem. I’ve risked system contamination, blindly downloading free fonts from fly-by-night sites with seedy names like Rogue fonts now reside alongside legitimate fonts that automatically enter the neighborhood every time I install new publishing software. Ah, but this indiscriminate font love now poses a major digital dilemma: I simply have more fonts than I can fathom.

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